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  • 别名:性爱欲3世纪(台)/Golfstrim pod aysbergom/Golfa straume zem ledus kalna/Gulf Stream Under the Iceberg
  • 导演:叶夫盖尼·帕斯肯维奇
  • 主演:Olga Shepitskaya,雷齐亚·卡尔尼娜,Girts Kesteris,贾尼斯·雷尼斯,Uldis Dumpis,Peteris Liepins,Vigo Roga,Ksenia Rappoport
  • 类型:倫理片 剧情
  • 地区:其它
  • 语言:其它
  • 上映:2012
  • 片长:125
  • 更新:2023-03-25 15:11:26
  • 总播放量:加载中
  • 今日播放量:1
  • 总评分数:0
  • 评分次数:0
  Adam's first wife Lilith is mentioned in ancient Oriental legends, in Talmud and in the medieval books of Cabala. According to these sources, she was not created from Adam's rib like Eve but from clay like he himself. Nevertheless Lilith was not recognized by Adam as his equal and left him after a quarrel heading for Babylon where pre-Adamians lived. She has no soul, and she is immortal. Lilith assumes different names, can change her appearance, and takes possession of men against their will. Once it's accomplished, she leaves her victims forever, marking them for either spiritual, or physical death. Whatever she does it is neither Good nor Evil. She is made of an altogether different matter. The story consists of three interrelated stories: "Escape" (1664, Hanseatic League); "Loss" (1883, Russian Empire/France); "Aberration Feelings" (1990, Latvia).
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