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  In this ducklightful animated feature film, Daffy Duck opens up the ghostbusting Ghouls R' Us Agency. "It's supply and demand," the spook sleuth explains. "My clients supply the ghosts. And I demand the money." Highlights include Daffy "Anything for a buck" Duck pitching his wares on TV; a house call to aid a vampy seducktress; a ghost-to-ghost hookup with Zed Toppel on Frightline; and, talk about a tough crowd, crooner Daffy wowing a nightclub of Transylvanian baddies.  Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Tweety and Sylvester join the exorcise in hilarity, with principal voices provided by the always masterful Mel Blanc. The gang's all here - and so is the fun. You'll quack up over Daffy Duck's Quackbusters!